Friday, September 4, 2015

You eat what...?

I throw all sorts of things into strange and wonderful combos (or at least I think so) pretty much all the time. My husband often looks at my plate and just shakes his head in disbelief. This however, really isn't that odd of a combination. In my experience, it divides people about 50/50: half of the time people will think it's a strange pairing, and the other half know all about it and think it's pretty tame. Yes, it's peanut butter and dill pickles!

Vegan MoFo 2015 Day 4: Tell us about a weird food combo that you love. 
When I was a kid, I wouldn't eat any kind of sandwich that had lunch meat or mayonnaise in it...I just didn't like those things. So, my mom would pack either peanut butter or cheese sandwiches for me to take to school day-in and day-out. I got the run-of-the-mill peanut butter and jelly, peanut butter and honey, peanut butter and banana, peanut butter and lettuce (another seemingly odd combo that's actually very good), and of course peanut butter and dill pickles.

If you are a dill pickle monster like me, you'll probably like the combo. Think of peanut butter and celery, which is pretty mainstream, and just go one step on to dill pickles. For me, crock pickles work  best. I've tried this with other nut butters and it's good that way, but to get the full experience you really need peanut butter. I have a sneaking suspicion that hot sauce would take this to another level, but I'll leave that for another day.

As a grown-up I don't eat this very often, mainly because I rarely have peanut butter on hand, but I enjoyed it this morning while I was doing this post. This is a fun prompt; I can't wait to see everyone else's strange food!


  1. oooohhh! in a strange way for me, this looks good!
    I might try that combination soon

  2. Thanks for stopping by Manu. Let me know if you like it.

  3. It's the second weird combo I see that involves peanut butter (the other one is with Marmite or Vegemite). I'm really skeptical!

    1. I think there's something about peanut butter that just let's it get up to all sorts of mischief!

  4. I want to try this! I'm seeing so many peanut butter pairings in response to this prompt, and so far all of them look good to me.

  5. I am totally a pickle fiend, but I've never tried it with peanut butter. I bet the crunch is really good on the sandwich with creamy peanut butter.

    1. This is a pickle fiends must try...not all will like it perhaps, but you never know...

  6. I could happily tuck into this. Sweet saltiness from the peanut butter and crunch and vinegar aspect from the pickled. mmm

    1. Thanks Shaheen. I'm the same: anything sweet, salty, and sour is bound to capture my attention.

  7. This will definitely please my daughter!

    1. You may well be right that this is a taste you must acquire as a kid; that's certainly what happened in my case. :)

  8. Ooh this I want to try. My dad used to make me the PB and lettuce sandwiches for school to give us some extra greens, haha. I agree, it's pretty good.

    1. PB and lettuce---people just don't know that they're missing! It was always my next favorite combo after the dill pickles.

  9. It's definitely not a combo I've come across before, but it's definitely one I'd enjoy - I believe pickles are one of the best foodstuffs known to humankind!

    1. Oh yes, give it a try...I'd be very curious to see whether other people like this combo too, or if I'm just a weirdo!

  10. Yes, add hot sauce! Delicious :)

  11. I thought I left a comment on this one but I don't see it. Sorry! Meant to! LOVE the pics of this! I think (one of the many reasons) this is a wonderful combo is because you get the salty, the sweet, the juicy, the tangy, and the creamy!!!!!

    1. I think you've summed it up certainly is a combo that I've loved since I was little.

  12. I will be the party pooper on this post and pass....


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